During his continuance, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was constantly disrespected bynon-Muslims but he noway attacked anyone, Sheikh Gumi has said The famed Islamic clergyperson said the prophet’s turndown to retaliate the cutsnon-Muslims were raining on him was because he didn’t want to be tagged a killer Gumi’s statement follows the payoff of a Christian womanish pupil, Deborah Samuel, in Sokoto state over allegedly impious statements on Prophet Muhammad

Kaduna-Sheikh Ahmad Gumi, a famed Islamic clergyperson, says the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (SAW), was at several points during his continuance disrespected bynon-Muslims. The clergyperson stated that the prophet, still, refused to attack or indeed kill persons who assassinated his characters.

The Kaduna grounded scholar, in a videotape clip attained and restated by PRNigeria, said the prophet’s turndown to retaliate the cutsnon-Muslims were raining on him while he was alive, was because he didn’t want to be regarded or tagged a killer.

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