The Minister of Labour and Employment, Senator Chris Ngige has asked the striking university lecturers who are members of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) to consider the plight of students and parents and return to work.

In a statement yesterday, the Minister said the university lecturers should also consider the efforts which the federal government has committed towards the revitalisation of the university system as well as the openness it has shown in the upliftment of their welfare as contained in the 2020 MOA and return to the classroom.

“Consider your students and their parents; consider the perils these students pass through on daily basis, away from school as well as the lost opportunities. Restoring glory to our university system is collective and the present government has shown enough commitment towards it.

“As a parent whose children are in public universities; I share the pains of ordinary Nigerians. I therefore appeal to ASUU to call off the strike while the rest of the issues in contention are tackled,” he said.

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