There is need for concerted efforts to curb the increasing rate of bullying among primary school pupils.

A Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Raina Orphans and Vulnerable Children Support Organization (ROSO), made the observation during a sensitization programme to commemorate the International Day of Social Justice held in Moro, Kwara State.

According to its founder, Ramat Aremu, the rampancy of bullying cases across the country reflect increase in moral decadence and parental paralysis.

Aremu who noted the trend highlighted the seriousness of the situation and the need for urgent action said government, school authorities and parents must aggregate efforts to stem it.

“Most times, the affected students are afraid, naive and find it difficult to voice out before it get too late and become complicated.”

“The rising cases of bullying in that sector has reached alarming rate but because we have not really beamed the searchlight, many of it go unnoticed.

“So we are using this period to “catch them young” and sensitize the pupils on the need to shun it and voice out to the necessary authority anytime they encounter any form of social injustice”.

She also urged order organizations to join in the campaign against social injustice in the country.

A representative of the Head Master, Mr Adisa Ridwan, on his part advised the pupils to shun maltreatment of one another, adding that such attitude will eventually lead them to crime.

Five selected pupils were awarded scholarships with study materials as champions of anti-bullying ambassadors for their disposition to other pupils in the school.

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Source:- Daily Trust

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